Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Round Up

The Texas Progressive Alliance is old enough to remember when everyone who ran for public office did so on a premise of making it work better as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff assesses the state of Houston’s elections going into early voting.

Texpatriate endorses Annise Parker for re-election as Mayor of Houston.

Eye On Williamson is blogging at a temporary home. A recent article says that Texas may be the future for the US. It will only happen if we let it, Why Texas doesn’t have to be our future.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme is really ashamed that all Texas Republicans voted to keep our government shutdown and to default on our debts. Don’t forget. it was Texas Republican rep Pete Sessions who sealed this shutdown with a pernicious rule change. Shame indeed.

There’s a disconnect between the power and influence of Ted Cruz and the Tea Party in Texas, and in the rest of the country. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs observes that this dichotomy is going to affect everything that happens between now and this time next year, and they’ll either create their reality…or suffer the effects of actual reality.

Neil at All People Have Value is looking forward with his blog and with his website. All People Have Value is part of NeilAquino.com.

Libby Shaw over at TexasKaos finds it helpful to think of Ted and his Tea Party allies as part of an “Animal House” approach to politics. Check out Ted Cruz and his Texas Tea Party Animal House Shut Down.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blog.

Grits for Breakfast eulogizes Ruby Cole Session, whose son Timothy Cole died in a Texas prison after his wrongful rape conviction before he was posthumously pardoned.

AzulTX points out that undocumented immigrants make significant contributions to the US economy.

Jason Stanford scoffs at the notion that John Cornyn is anything but a hardline conservative.

Greg Wythe takes a deeper look at the use of text messages in local campaigns.

The Texas Green Report endorses Proposition 6, the water infrastructure fund amendment.

Offcite shows what truly open streets would look like.

Progress Texas urges a vote against Pasadena’s regressive City Council redistricting scheme.

Finally, all of us at the TPA wish Karl-Thomas Musselman the very best in what comes next as he concludes his tenure with the Burnt Orange Report after ten productive and excellent years.

Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Round Up

The Texas Progressive Alliance thanks Sen. Ted Cruz for his hard work making the Republican Party more unpopular than ever as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff connects a flap over reduced tuition at UTSA for same-sex spouses of active military members to the 2014 campaign.

Horwitz at Texpatriate reports on the Houston Mayoral debate, noting that, no matter who you thought the winner was, the real losers were Houstonians themselves.

Of all of Greg Abbott’s mistakes, one stands out like a sore thumb: he birthed Ted Cruz. Then again, Democrats should really thank “Poop” for what he’s accomplished recently on their behalf. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs knows you have to take a little bad news with the good when it comes to Abbott and his protege’.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme thinks picking turncoat Aaron Peña to do Hispanic outreach for republicans is ludicrous. Good luck with that.

Though we often take them for granted, streets are vastly important to our communities. They’re the true lifeblood of any community. Whether we’re are traveling to work, visiting friends, or any reason that we need to get from Point A to Point B, that journey starts and ends with our streets. Which is why Texas Leftist was glad to hear of a landmark initiative for Complete Streets in Houston. It’s been a long time coming.

Neil at All People Have Value said this week that the things you had ordered from Amazon have arrived. All People Have Value is part of NeilAquino.com.

At TexasKaos, Libby Shaw tells it like it is in Deadbeats, Bums, Extortionists and Saboteurs.Give it a read.


And here are some other posts of interest from Texas blogs.

Egberto Willies prints a letter to Rep. Ted Poe from one of his constituents.

The Texas Monitor implores Latinas to run with Wendy.

Letters from Texas wants you to give your money to Wendy Davis.

Juanita shows what real political junkies do on their weekends.

Nancy Sims evaluates the Houston mayoral debate.

Rep. Mike Villarreal explains how to get help with the health insurance exchange.

The TSTA blog observes that the Rainy Day Fund is in excellent shape.

AzulTX reports from the immigration reform rally in Houston.

Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Round Up

The Texas Progressive Alliance has Big Bird’s back as it brings you this week’s roundup.

BossKitty at TruthHugger was in a hurry and only posted one article. Thanks to underfunded oversight and a broken Congress, the state of the Veterans Administration, VA System Failure, Blame Robot Congress is disgusting.

Off the Kuff deconstructed a truly crappy poll that was nonetheless accepted uncritically by the media.

WCNews at Eye on Williamson shows us that one of the problems with our elections is who doesn’t show up to vote, Getting non-voters to the polls.

Green presidential candidate Jill Stein’s Texas swing wrapped up last Sunday in Houston with a visit to the Emile Street Community Farm, a fundraiser at a Montrose-area environmental showcase home, and another appearance on KPFT Pacifica radio. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs has pictures.

Neil at Texas Liberal went to a campaign appearance of Green Presidential nominee Jill Stein.

What a Quandary

There are times I am amazed at the love and caring I see in the world and then times when I am saddened by the hatefulness and insensitivity of people. I see people at my church welcoming people of all races, economic status and living situation with open arms and with a willingness to help in anyway they can. I know this personally as I found Central Presbyterian Church while I was homeless and living in a shelter and they accepted me and loved me for me. I see people willing to sponsor me for AIDS Walk Austin and am overwhelmed with humility and joy at the angels in my life.

Then on the flip side I see individuals who supposedly care about their fellow human beings posting comments about people who are fat are just lazy and should get off their asses, exercise and eat healthy while saying they understand people might have health issues that can cause them to be overweight. I also see people using derogatory language or words that are just hateful and bigoted and it saddens me to think that these same people are some of the first to ask for understanding and love when gong through tough times.

I am not perfect and don’t claim to be. There are times when I might think or even say things I shouldn’t but I am always quick to apologize when I realize I have overstepped boundaries. I have posted things on Facebook and been totally ashamed of myself afterwards and pulled the posts. I might slip up but pride myself on not being condescending and judgmental of others because of their size, their weight, their color, their religion or their economic situation. I have been in too many situations where I have been condemned because of my life, my weight and even condemned myself when I became homeless. I will not tolerate people who claim to be Liberals but show a total lack of compassion for one group or another. I am liberal and try to treat others as I would like to be treated. It is not always easy but it is something I strive to do everyday of my life. It is why I talk about Random Acts of Kindness so often. I don’t expect people to be perfect. I know that is an impossibility but I do expect them to read what they are posting or sending in an email before they hit post or send. They also shouldn’t be surprised when people react negatively to their emails or posts. You never know who you might hurt with a single phrase.

I will get over my anger and sadness over someone’s insensitivity tonight but it is such a sour ending to an otherwise fabulous day. Rant over.

Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Roundup

The Texas Progressive Alliance reminds you that the deadline to register for the election is October 9 as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff has a Q&A with Democratic Supreme Court candidate Michelle Petty, who is running against one of the Court’s least ethical members.

BossKitty at TruthHugger wants all Texans to have all the Texas Voting Information they need, this will stay at the top of my blog page until after November 6. It is disgusting that our Cowardly Congress Kicks The Can Again. Overjoyed to see more corporate manipulators exposed Do You Hear Me Now?

Three Wise Men forecasts the 2012 presidential and Senate elections.

With Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein scheduled to be in Houston and San Antonio from October 4-7, PDiddie at Brains and Eggs found it necessary to once again slay the persistent urban legend that Ralph Nader was responsible for Al Gore’s defeat in the 2000 election.

We’re facing another legislative session that’s will be harmful to the majority of Texans unless we act now. That’s why WCNews at Eye on Williamsonis pointing this out now Here we go again.

Over at TexasKaos, Libby Shaw explains why The GOP is Obsessed About Voter Fraud. Hint: the best way to get away with something is to accuse your opponets of it.

Neil as Texas Liberal noted that you have the right to take pictures of bridges and infrastructure and anything in plain view so long as you are not tresspassing. Neil said that business and government are teaming up to deny the basic freedom to observe and make note of the things that are around us in a so-called open society.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme notes Greg Abbott, likely gubernatorial candidate, goes all Christian Taliban by promoting bible verses in school.

Texas Progressive Alliance Roundup 09/17

The Texas Progressive Alliance is still on a post-convention bounce as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff analyzed the latest poll of Texas and its implications.

BossKitty at TruthHugger is suspicious about the timing of that horrid film clip using the name of Mohammad as a fuse to global meltdown against all things western. Opportunistic Sadism and the US Election, I really want to know exactly WHO is responsible … I would rather complain about why America’s leaders are so slow to address more imminent hazards to America’s children, Half Truths Don’t Protect Our Children From Dirty GOP Toxic Trash.

Paul Sadler, the Democratic for US Senate in Texas is making the right argument, the question is will enough voters hear it? WCNews at Eye on Williamson makes it clear, Sadler painting Cruz as an extremist in US Senate race.

LibbyShaw reminds us that Women Will Remember in November . Check it out at TexasKaos now.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wants you to know polluters like Exxon and Citgo do harm to real people and our environment.

A point about money and politics had to be made by PDiddie at Brains and Eggs, and so he made it.

Neil at Texas Liberal posted that where the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers meet at Cairo, Illinois is the place where he was created. Neil said his point of origin was based on 3 factors. He was looking for creation as a whole. A place where the culture and society he lives in is expressed. And for a place that has been part of his own life. This junction of two great American rivers meets these tests.

Texas Progressive Alliance Roundup for September 10th

The Texas Progressive Alliance thinks it’s high time the NFL began negotiating honorably with its referees as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff says that the state of Texas has clearly demonstrated the ongoing need for Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.

BossKitty at TruthHugger sees this election year faced with critical health issues hurting working class people, when Bubonic Plague and Legionnaires Disease and Hanta Virus still occur in America, are we Unprepared, Careless and Incapable In 2012?

The GOP’s plan may have backfired, by intentionally discriminating they may have actually saved the Voting Rights Act. Because, as WCNews at Eye on Williamson, shows us The Voting Rights Act, still working as designed.

Neil at Texas Liberal saw Mitt Romney’s jet plane in Cincinnati last week. Neil offered up his view of what the letters on the tail of the plane were meant to convey.

Lightseeker reminds us that it is easy to throw the low level supervisiors to the wolves when scandal strikes, but we should not forget where the fundamental problem lies. Are you listening Rick Perry and Republican legislators? Check out Behind the Drug and Rape Kit Scandals.

Rick Perry wants Texas women to get pap smears at colonoscopy clinics. CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme didn’t know Perry was that stupid.

Texas Progressive Alliance Round Up September 3rd

The Texas Progressive Alliance has its eyes on Charlotte as it brings you this week’s roundup.

There were two major court rulings last week, with the state of Texas losing and the voters of Texas winning as both the redistricting maps and the voter ID law were found to be illegal.

BossKitty at TruthHugger is sick of all the emails and robo calls wanting money for this or that political cause. Quit violating my personal space to beg for money when Super Pacs are doing that job for me, You Have My Vote, But Not My Money!

With the Texas GOP’s dual losses on redistricting and voter suppression this week, it’s still key for Democrats to keep the pressure on. Because, as WCNews at Eye on Williamson, points out they still have big and destructive plans for the future, Public education being left for dead in Texas.

The Austin Police Department not only infiltrated Occupy Austin, but one undercover cop designed and supplied the devices used in the Houston port protest that resulted in felony charges against several protestors. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs wants to know if Mayor Annise Parker still supports this kind of police misconduct.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wants you to know that Quico Canseco is a whiner – your typical Republican crybaby.

Texas Progressive Roundup for August 27th

The Texas Progressive Alliance is ready for the new school year as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff published interviews with Congressman Gene Green and Congressional candidate Jim Dougherty.

BossKitty at TruthHugger was interrupted while researching the abomination of H.R. 1096: Sanctity of Life Act of 2011, Questions and Permutations, to comment on the recent shootings in New York Do You Feel Better It Wasn’t Terrorism? Then the sad news that Neil Armstrong escaped the bounds of earth for the last time, He Stopped The World On July 20, 1969

The GOP’s answer for everything is trickle-down. WCNews at Eye on Williamson on the latest on transportation Forgotten Mission: Texas’ trickle-down transportation policy.

The legal action by the Harris County Democratic Party to remove DA nominee Lloyd Oliver from the November ballot places the rest of the party’s candidates in an unfortunate and unnecessary quandary, posits PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.

Neil at Texas Liberal discussed litter in Houston bayous. This post also featured the famous crying Indian anti-litter PSA from the 70’s.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme knows that the Romney/Ryan racist welfare ads and jokes are par for the course for the republicans who built that d*mn fence as a monument to racism and fear.

Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Round Up

The Texas Progressive Alliance is overloading on the Olympics as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff notes that for a guy who claims to hate the federal government, Rick Perry sure gives them a lot of opportunities to get involved in Texas’ business.

BossKitty at TruthHugger was on a roll this week. America and Collateral Damage and Double Jeopardy, the NCAA went overboard when they punished past, present and future Penn State students.

Too many Americans have been tricked into believing that the government can no longer help them and their families. Until enough people realize that as a lie, take back the government, and use it to bring economic equality back we will continue in this depression. WCNews at Eye on Williamson says it’s It’s the inequality stupid.

As long as Mitt Romney didn’t bring bacon-wrapped shrimp to the Knesset after leaving London, then last Thursday was the worst day of his European vacation, writes PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wants you to know that Republicans at Texas A & M are thrilled to give our money to North Carolina while screwing Texas workers.

Neil at Texas Liberal wrote about an interesting and expansive definition of life that he read about in New Scientist magazine.