Month: December 2011

Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Up Date

The Texas Progressive Alliance is all about the wassailing as it brings you this week’s blog roundup.

Off the Kuff has a look at candidate filings in Harris County as of what was once the deadline date.

BossKitty at TruthHugger sees the grim side of a corporate ruled America, is that Climate Change Controversy May Be A Conspiracy and we are the targets.

BlueBloggin – Special interests are really not very special when they represent mindless, dangerous attitudes of corporate extremists, who don’t want to be accountable for their actions. Let Me Sell you A Lie – EPA Consequences of The REINS Act – H.R. 10 shows that corporations really do own America’s lawmakers.

Bay Area Houston says Rick Perry is one rotten bastard.

Death sentences and the use of the death penalty are hitting record lows. Mostly because of the corruption and injustice in our criminal justice system. It’s led WCNews at Eye On Williamson to wonder, Is the death penalty dying?

Third-party presidential candidates may make some noise and perhaps even some news in 2012, writes PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.

At TexasKaos, Libby Shaw gives us the heads up on the latest episode of Rick Perry, fraud and hypocrite. Check out: Double Dipping Rick the Hypocrite.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme notes Greg Abbott called the US Supreme court to poop on Texas’ politicians and voters. That’s a republican for you.

Neil at Texas Liberal wrote a post considering the life of the real St. Nicholas. St. Nicholas was a foe of the death penalty who was said to have brought back to life children who had been cut up and were going to be pickled.

McBlogger takes on PolitiFact’s pathetic attempt to beat up Congressman Lloyd Doggett.

Refinish69 from Doing My Part For The Left wonders Do They Know It’s Christmas in Washington or anywhere else in the world.

Do They Know It’s Christmas

I have to ask myself that question all the time during the Holiday Season but especially this year. I see politicians fighting and never really getting anything done to help the people they represent. I see millions being spent on campaigns built on hate and bigotry. I see companies like Lowes pulling advertising from a show about American Muslims because a Conservative group threatens them. What is this world coming to?????

I will be the first to admit I am scared of the future. I see Tea Party candidates still getting traction and people either ignoring their vileness and bigotry or saying they cannot possibly stay in power long. Isn’t this what the Intelligentsia of Germany said about the Nazis? Their campaign was built on hatred and bigotry and false or extreme country pride. Have we really forgotten our history that much????



I constantly try and fond the good side to the world. I vote for candidates who I think will make a difference ad protect the poor, children, women and so many other areas of our population. The fact that we have children starving in America and living in shelters and in cars is a sin!!!! It is especially heinous considering so many of the top corporations are paying no taxes or getting millions in tax cuts while people in America sleep in boxes. How has this country come to this????


Please think of the less fortunate this Holiday Season. Make a donation to the local homeless shelter,. Take some non perishable food goods to the local food bank. Call different hospitals, hospices, or elder care centers and find out if there are people who have no family for the holiday and take them a small gift. Reach out and show that we do actually care for each other.

Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Round Up

The Texas Progressive Alliance is too busy with last minute Christmas shopping to come up with a clever intro as it brings you this week’s roundup.

SCOTUS has issued a stay and scrambled the 2012 elections again. Off the Kuff tries to make sense of it.

BossKitty at TruthHuggerit’s business as usual for Texas politicians want to tilt the voter tables in their favor by gerrymandering – US Supreme Court May Like New Texas Gerrymandering.

Occupy went to Washington and comes to Houston on Monday, December 12. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs follows along.

WCNews at Eye On Williamson points out that there’s a corporate hand up the back of many GOP legislators in Texas, Texas GOP legislators are corporate puppets.

At TexasKaos Libby Shaw explans how the GOP is killing the U.S. economy and the American Dream.

Neil at Texas Liberal made one post, and then another detailing the trip of recent Green Houston City Council candidate Amy Price to Washington with Occupy Houston.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme calls out the US Supreme Court for the corrupt hijacking of the Texas elections.

Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Round Up

The Texas Progressive Alliance thinks that if Herman Cain had just married all those women he could be where Newt Gingrich is today as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff provides a little perspective about redistricting and the political outcome of the ongoing litigation over it.

WCNews at Eye On Williamson says it’s time for a new direction for the Texas Democratic Party, A tremendous opportunity to create a new Democratic Party in Texas.

McBlogger says that Judge Rakoff threw a big wrench into the sweetheart deals some of the banks have been getting from the SEC.

Bay Area Houston has information if you want to Contact the Judge about State Representative Joe Driver’s sentencing.

Refinish69 has a few suggestions since The Holiday Season is Here!

BossKitty at TruthHuggerIs more comfortable with Crop Circles than the Frankenstein Tea Party the Koch Brothers created. Why the Tea Party is like a Crop Circle.

At TexasKaos, Libby Shaw summaries the choices presented by the Republican presidental hopefuls in An OOPS, Serial Flipper Flopper, Adulterers, a Sourpuss and a Scared Spin Doctor. It would be funnier, if it were not all true.

Mitt Romney’s path to the GOP nomination got considerably rockier in the past week, and that was before Herman Cain failed to deliver in 30 minutes or less. The rise of Newt Gingrich is however a dilemma for conservative fundamentalist Christians, as PDiddie at Brains and Eggs observes. Can they get behind a nominee who believes that marriage should only be between a man and a woman who does not have cancer?

Neil at Texas Liberal took a walk along some railroad tracks in Houston. On this walk, Neil encountered both solid and metaphorical aspects of life.

The Holiday Season Is Here!

Yes, the Holiday Season is in full swing. There are sales, parties and special events being held everywhere. Black Friday and Cyber Monday have come and gone and Americans spent over 14 billion dollars. At the same time the so called “Super Committee” could not agree on a plan to cut federal spending and of course our Congress is going to let payroll tax breaks die without renewing them.


We have Herman Cain sticking his dick in anything that comes by or at least trying until he finally has to suspend his Presidential campaign. We have Newt gaining ground as the most likely GOP nominee even though he tried to destroy DC once before when he was there. During all of this insanity, we have cuts to government programs that help the poor, elderly and disabled. But! AMericans are spending more on the Holidays and that is a good thing right?  I guess it is as it does help the economy but I have a few suggestions to make for people.


When you are out spending every dime you can spare on the Holidays because you have bought into the hype of the Holidays being about bigger and better presents, please think of those less fortunate than you. Instead of buying the $250 coat buy one that coast $200 and tow that coast $25 and drop the $25 ones off at a homeless shelter. For every gift you buy your kids, buy one for a child on the Angel Trees at the mall. When you see the bell ringers, reach in your pocket and drop your spare change into to help homeless families. Volunteer at the local food bank and drop of a bag of dry or can goods to help those who don’t have money for a Holiday Feast.


Tis the season for getting or giving pets for the Holidays as well. Please do not support puppy mills or animal breeders gone wild. Stop by your local animal shelter and adopt a loving animal who needs a forever home. While you are at it, bring a large bag of dog or cat food and treats for the animals already there. You can always call ahead and see what kind they prefer.


I am not trying to be a total downer about the Holidays. I want people to celebrate and share the joy of the Season with friends and loved ones. It is vital to do this and part of our nature and heritage. I am all for enjoying the Holidays but I think the true meaning has been lost for many. People want to argue about putting Christ back in Christmas but don’t think about volunteering at the soup kitchen. What is up with that????  Take sometime to share your wealth no matter how small with those who have so much less than you.


I am not tooting my own horn here but I live on disability and still give what I can to charities to help those less fortunate than myself. If I can do it on a very limited budget, so can you!!! Please remember the true meaning of the Holidays and share some love and joy with those who need it the most.:)