The Texas Ledge…The Gift That Keeps On Giving

After the stupidity of the Texas Ledge this year, I am ashamed to admit I live in Texas much less actually vote.  Texas voters have to be some of the dumbest people who have ever lived!!! They gave the Republicans in Texas a bigger majority than they have had in years and this is just a few of the things they are getting for their votes.

The Texas legislature has passed a bill making Sanctuary Cities illegal even though there were none in Texas.

A bill was proposed to make sure their were clean bathrooms at all gas station and auto service centers as long as they were not the ones run by Walmart or HEB.

A bill has been passed to make cheating in a Fishing Contest a misdemeanor or a felony depending on how big the cheat is.

Soon students with concealed weapons permits will be allowed to carry guns on campus. This same bill will allow Elected officials to carry weapons even where it is prohibited such as banks and hospitals.

These are just a few of the wonderful gifts the Texas Ledge have given us this session. Is it their fault? Hell NO!!! It is the voters of Texas who have brains the size of a miniature pea if they have a brain at all.

Do I think anything we can do about this? Hate to say it but no. We have a Democratic State Party that cannot pull its head out of its own ass long enough to elect anyone. The Party always wants to run a Republican Lite as a candidate because they “think” they can get cross over vote. Why the hell would anyone vote for a candidate who sounds just like the other party?  It is time for the Texas Democratic Party to grow a pair of balls and find their backbone. Stop acting like losers and you might actually win a damn election!!! Find a candidate who is smart, attractive, believes in something and supports the Party Ideals.

But oh no, we have to play it safe and keep losing elections. We have to accept what the National Party tells us to do even though they only use Texas as an ATM. Well, keep doing that and this will be a Republican State because the Democrats will just stop going to the polls at all. If the state party doesn’t change their strategies, we might as well throw a victory party for the Republicans and be done with it. It would save time, tired feet, frustration and a hell of a lot of money. It’s cheaper to throw a party than a shitty losing campaign.

6 thoughts on “The Texas Ledge…The Gift That Keeps On Giving

  1. Pingback: TPA Roundup |
  2. The legislature has gone too far and there will be a movement back toward more Democrats no matter how they draw the maps. The tragedy is compounded because people gave Perry another term.
    The tea party is going to get just what they voted for except they didn’t actually want their children in a classes with 37 students or their local nursing homes closing, or them or their wives losing jobs at the schools or nursing homes or other affected places.

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