Tag: soup kitchens

The Holiday Season Is Here!

Yes, the Holiday Season is in full swing. There are sales, parties and special events being held everywhere. Black Friday and Cyber Monday have come and gone and Americans spent over 14 billion dollars. At the same time the so called “Super Committee” could not agree on a plan to cut federal spending and of course our Congress is going to let payroll tax breaks die without renewing them.


We have Herman Cain sticking his dick in anything that comes by or at least trying until he finally has to suspend his Presidential campaign. We have Newt gaining ground as the most likely GOP nominee even though he tried to destroy DC once before when he was there. During all of this insanity, we have cuts to government programs that help the poor, elderly and disabled. But! AMericans are spending more on the Holidays and that is a good thing right?  I guess it is as it does help the economy but I have a few suggestions to make for people.


When you are out spending every dime you can spare on the Holidays because you have bought into the hype of the Holidays being about bigger and better presents, please think of those less fortunate than you. Instead of buying the $250 coat buy one that coast $200 and tow that coast $25 and drop the $25 ones off at a homeless shelter. For every gift you buy your kids, buy one for a child on the Angel Trees at the mall. When you see the bell ringers, reach in your pocket and drop your spare change into to help homeless families. Volunteer at the local food bank and drop of a bag of dry or can goods to help those who don’t have money for a Holiday Feast.


Tis the season for getting or giving pets for the Holidays as well. Please do not support puppy mills or animal breeders gone wild. Stop by your local animal shelter and adopt a loving animal who needs a forever home. While you are at it, bring a large bag of dog or cat food and treats for the animals already there. You can always call ahead and see what kind they prefer.


I am not trying to be a total downer about the Holidays. I want people to celebrate and share the joy of the Season with friends and loved ones. It is vital to do this and part of our nature and heritage. I am all for enjoying the Holidays but I think the true meaning has been lost for many. People want to argue about putting Christ back in Christmas but don’t think about volunteering at the soup kitchen. What is up with that????  Take sometime to share your wealth no matter how small with those who have so much less than you.


I am not tooting my own horn here but I live on disability and still give what I can to charities to help those less fortunate than myself. If I can do it on a very limited budget, so can you!!! Please remember the true meaning of the Holidays and share some love and joy with those who need it the most.:)